Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Disclaimer: This questionnaire should only be completed if you are older than 15 years old. If you are under 15, please do not complete the questionnaire, although we do appreciate your interest in the subject. The results of the questionnaire will only be used for research purposes in the context of the Tour-x project. Participating in the assessment is on a voluntary basis and you will receive no payment or reward for it. If you are not sure about whether you should participate, then please discuss it with your parent(s), legal guardian(s) or teacher(s).
Terms of Use
With this Privacy Policy, we would like to inform you about the way we collect your personal data, the purposes and characteristics of our processing, as well as your rights and the choices you can make regarding the use and protection of your data.
1. Data Controller Contact Information:
DAISSy HOU Aristotelous Street 18, P.C. 26 335,
E-mail: mooc@daissy.eap.gr
2. Data Protection Officer and Supervisory Authority
The subjects of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as PD) can communicate and submit questions, related to the processing and protection of their PD at the e-mail address: The Personal Data Protection Authority is the competent, supervisory authority for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons against the processing of their personal data.
3. Purpose of processing
The PD that are collected and processed by DAISSy HOU, are absolutely necessary/essential.
4. Legal basis for processing
The legal basis for the processing of PD is the provision of consent by the subjects of the PD.
5. Processing of PD
DAISSy HOU is committed to ensuring that all necessary procedures will be followed by it, in order to ensure the protection of PD. All PD, which will result from collection and/or processing, will not be used by DAISSy HOU for any other purpose, other than that of providing information, education from the platform https://gtsts.tour-x.eu. The PD that DAISSy HOU collects and processes are online identity identification elements derived from their devices, applications, tools and protocols, such as the IP address of the device (e.g., computer), with which users connect, necessary “cookies” that are recorded on the educational platform, date and time of connection to the educational platform and results of tests/quizzes.
6. Recipients and Transfer of PD
Access to PD is only available to the competent, authorized personnel of DAISSy HOU, in the context of the execution of the duties assigned to it by the data controller. It is ensured, through a written contract, that access to PD is subject to strict, contractual confidentiality
obligations, that PD are processed only for the above purpose. The obligation to comply with the above, burdens, in perpetuity, the authorized personnel, that is, even after the termination of its contractual relationship.
7. Data Retention Time
The PD are collected, maintained and processed, only, during the implementation of the project. The electronic file is stored in a secure environment of DAISSy HOU, for the duration of implementation and completion of the project evaluation and in any case not more than five (5) years. After the lapse of the year, these specific data are deleted/destroyed by the Data Controller, in a secure way so that it is not possible to identify the subjects and to exclude, in every way, the illegal and unfair processing of them.
8. Technical and Organizational Measures
DAISSy HOU, from the design of the electronic platform, takes and applies the appropriate technical and organizational measures (a. Distinct roles of system users and corresponding access rights, b. Provision of appropriate training to system users, according to their duties, c. Keeping logs of the actions performed on the system data, d. Keeping backup files, e. Use of antivirus programs and firewalls), in order to proceed by default to process only the PD that are necessary for education and to ensure the appropriate level of security against the risks arising from the processing of PD, in the context of distance education, especially, from accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to PD that have been transmitted, stored or otherwise subjected to processing.
9. Rights of the data subjects
Users, as subjects of PD, have the following rights: i. Right to information. ii. Right of access, iii. Right to rectification, iv. Right to erasure, v. Right to restrict processing, vi. Right to data portability, vii. Right to object and viii. Right to human intervention. In any case, you can communicate with an electronic message at mooc@daissy.eap.gr in order to be informed about the existence of a personal file with PD and to exercise the above rights, under specific conditions, provided there is no restriction from the applicable, legal obligations and responsibilities of DAISSy HOU.
10. Updates-modifications, edition and validity of the Policy
DAISSy HOU can modify this Policy, whenever this is deemed appropriate. The Policy is posted on the platform https://gtsts.tour-x.eu. The current version of the privacy policy for the DAISSy MOOC platform is the 1st edition and its posting date is 12-01-2024. For this reason, users are encouraged to visit this website regularly.
Privacy Policy
With this Privacy Policy, we would like to inform you about the way we collect your personal data, the purposes and characteristics of our processing, as well as your rights and the choices you can make regarding the use and protection of your data.
1. Data Protection Officer and Supervisory Authority
The subjects of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as PD) can communicate and submit questions, related to the processing and protection of their PD at the e-mail address: The Personal Data Protection Authority is the competent, supervisory authority for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons against the processing of their personal data.
3. Purpose of processing
The PD that are collected and processed by DAISSy HOU, are absolutely necessary/essential.
4. Legal basis for processing
The legal basis for the processing of PD is the provision of consent by the subjects of the PD.
5. Processing of PD
DAISSy HOU is committed to ensuring that all necessary procedures will be followed by it, in order to ensure the protection of PD. All PD, which will result from collection and/or processing, will not be used by DAISSy HOU for any other purpose, other than that of providing information, education from the platform. The PD that DAISSy HOU collects and processes are identification data (name, ID and password), online identity identification elements derived from their devices, applications, tools and protocols, such as the IP address of the device (e.g., computer), with which users connect, necessary “cookies” that are recorded on the educational platform, date and time of connection to the educational platform and results of tests/quizzes.
6. Recipients and Transfer of PD
Access to PD is only available to the competent, authorized personnel of DAISSy HOU, in the context of the execution of the duties assigned to it by the data controller. It is ensured, through a written contract, that access to PD is subject to strict, contractual confidentiality
obligations, that PD are processed only for the above purpose. The obligation to comply with the above, burdens, in perpetuity, the authorized personnel, that is, even after the termination of its contractual relationship.
7. Data Retention Time
The PD are collected, maintained and processed, only, during the implementation of the project. The electronic file is stored in a secure environment of DAISSy HOU, for the duration of implementation and completion of the project evaluation and in any case not more than five (5) years. After the lapse of the year, these specific data are deleted/destroyed by the Data Controller, in a secure way so that it is not possible to identify the subjects and to exclude, in every way, the illegal and unfair processing of them.
8. Technical and Organizational Measures
DAISSy HOU, from the design of the electronic platform, takes and applies the appropriate technical and organizational measures (a. Distinct roles of system users and corresponding access rights, b. Provision of appropriate training to system users, according to their duties, c. Keeping logs of the actions performed on the system data, d. Keeping backup files, e. Use of antivirus programs and firewalls), in order to proceed by default to process only the PD that are necessary for education and to ensure the appropriate level of security against the risks arising from the processing of PD, in the context of distance education, especially, from accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to PD that have been transmitted, stored or otherwise subjected to processing.
9. Rights of the data subjects
Users, as subjects of PD, have the following rights: i. Right to information. ii. Right of access, iii. Right to rectification, iv. Right to erasure, v. Right to restrict processing, vi. Right to data portability, vii. Right to object and viii. Right to human intervention. In any case, you can communicate with an electronic message from the contact page in order to be informed about the existence of a personal file with PD and to exercise the above rights, under specific conditions, provided there is no restriction from the applicable, legal obligations and responsibilities of DAISSy HOU.
10. Updates-modifications, edition and validity of the Policy
DAISSy HOU can modify this Policy, whenever this is deemed appropriate. The Policy is posted on the platform . The current version of the privacy policy for the DAISSy MOOC platform is the 1st edition and its posting date is 12-01-2024. For this reason, users are encouraged to visit this website regularly.
Cookie policy
We use absolutely necessary “cookies” for the operation of the Website and the maintenance of your connection.
Which “Cookies” are used by the website
The website, like all websites, in order to operate smoothly and serve the user to the maximum, uses “cookies”. Below are the ones that are used: